Repy (Zdravko Repija)



"White Spoons" 50x60cm
"DIE Linien ohne Titel" 39x50cm
"DIE Linien ohne Titel" 39x50cm
"Dark Spoons" 50x60cm

Repy (Zdravko Repija)   /   Biography

Zdravko Repija REPY (@zdravkorepija)

One can find images, many artworks and studio impressions of the Bosnian artist at work, but rarely any concrete information about the life and career of this dadaist performer/maker. The images can be found on instagram and facebook, and Repy seems to be everywhere and nowhere (working in studios in Slovenia and in Berlin, and in the outdoors).

Recently he has been present, frequently and insistently, at Gallery Puzić where he has shown his mysterious spoon compositions and the 2024 series of DIE Linien ohne Titel (THESE lines without title). He has a great sense of humor and is a warm, genuinely humane being with his own philosophy: Repyartrium,,, Leben to go,,, Ende,,,