
Kathrin Lambert | biography
Since the beginning of her academic education the focus of her artistic research lays on sound art. Thereby the handling of ordinary items and the reaction to existing structures is the priority.
With her installations she links to architectonic elements, embraces them and tries to use available energies.
In creating her sound objects or instruments, she combines things and materials like household items or construction material. In performances, the artist interacts with these objects and instruments and creates a sound atmosphere by recording and looping the generated sounds.
Lambert, born 1987, studied fine arts at the HBKSaar from 2012 to 2018 with a semester abroad at the Academy of Arts in Tallinn, Estonia, (2016) and a following postgraduate studies (Meisterstudierende) under Prof. Andreas Oldörp (2018-2020). Before that, she completed an apprenticeship as a media designer and is still working in this field.
2022 she finished her Master’s degree in Culture Management.
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02/2023 Project assistance @Academy for musical and cultural education
09/2022 Master Culture Management @htwsaar
since 2020 Project Manager @Experimance Festival 2021
10/2020 Nomination as Master student, Atelier Andreas Oldörp, HBKsaar
07/2018 Diploma in Fine Arts @HKBsaar
01/2016 Semester abroad, Academy of Arts Tallinn, EE
2012 – 2018 Study Fine Arts, Academy of Arts Saar, GER
2011 – 2015 Media Designer in a advertising agency, GER
2009 – 2011 Apprenticeship as Media Designer, GER
2008 Advanced technical college certificate, GER
12/2022 Sound Performance, Fourplay Society, Kochi, IND
12/2022 Exhibition & Performance, Attakkalari, Bangalore IND
11/2022 Sound Performance with Amyth Venkataramaiah, The ISRO, Bangalore, IND
11.22 Rhytmxchange @ Indian Music Experience, IND
11/2022 Sound Piece for Radio Monte Audio, Monte Video, URY
11/2022 Sound Performance“Wetspace Noise Drip” Walkin Studios, IND
09/2022 Sound Performance, CoHub66, Saarbrücken GER
09/2022 Sound Performance, Tag der Bildenen Künste Saarbrücken, Garelly Haus, GER
09/2022 Sound Performance with Katharina Hamp, Berlin Noise Festival, Berlin, GER
09/2022 Sound Performance, Maker Festival, Berlin, GER
04/2022 Sound Performance “Lichtungen/Liesiere, Pingussion Building, SB, GER
09/2021 Sound Performance, Festival für selbstgebaute Musik, Berlin, GER
07/2021 Group Exhibition, EXPERIMANCE FESTIVAL 2021, GER
06/2021 Group Exhibition, Sonic Explorers, Künstlerforum Bonn, GER
12/2020 Sound Performance, Automat Art Space, SB, GER
09/2020 Group Exhibition, Automat Art Space, SSB, GER
07/2020 Soundperformance “Sound Circle” at DFG SB, GER
02/2020 Solo exhibition “16 rpm – curated nature”, Kunsthaus Marthashofen, GER
10/2019 Sonic Exploreres Open Studio, Teheran, IR
08/2019 EXPERIMANCE 4.0, Theaterschiff Maria-Helena SB, GER
07/2019 Group exhibition “Bild&Baum” at DFG SB, GER
11/2018 EXPERIMANCE 3.0, Mauerpfeiffer, SB, GER
10/2018 Group exhibition „Ästhetik & Wald“, Waldinformationszentrum, Neuhaus, GER
07/2018 Group exhibition „matters manners”, UG at Museum Folkwang, Essen, GER
07/2018 Graduation exhibition „LIZARD in my pants“, 5kV Station, SB-Burbach; GER
06/2018 Sound performance at „HörBar“, KuBa, Saarbrücken, GER
04/2018 Sound Installation at „Deutscher Katholikentag“, St. Petri Church, Münster, GER
12/2017 Group exhibition „How to look at Sound art“, Gallery at the HBKsaar, GER
11/2017 EXPERIMANCE 2.0, Mauerpfeiffer, Saarbrücken, GER
06/2017 Femmes au Foyer, Sound performance, SaarArt 2017, KuBa, SB, GER
02/2017 Group exhibition “Move your Homeland”, Norwich, EN
01/2017 EXPERIMANCE 1.0, Mauerpfeiffer, Saarbrücken, GER
06/2016 Group exhibition “Soundseeing”, Bocholt, GER
04/2016 Group exhibition “Kunsthoch 46”, Halle an der Saale, GER
05/2016 Sound performance and organisation COMBOBULATE MY FACE, Tallinn, EE
04/2016 Sound performance, ARSi maja, Tallinn, EE
12/2015 Group exhibition, Gallery der HBK Saar, Saarbrücken, GER
11/2015 Group exhibition “Gudde Melange”, Halle Verrière, Meisenthal, FR
07/2015 Participation “Nacht der schönen Künste“, Saarbrücken, GER
08/2015 Group exhibition “Hör- und Sehräume“, Becolinfabrik, Saarbrücken, GER
07/2015 Participation “Nacht der schönen Künste“, Saarbrücken, GER
11/2014 Group exhibition, Gallery 52, Essen, GER
06/2014 Solo Exhibition, “Research 01”, Römerkastell SB, GER
06/2014 Participation, sonotopia – workshop, bonn hoeren, GER
06/2014 Sound installation, Römerkastell SB, GER
09/2013 Artist in residency, Bodensee Art Fund, Wasserburg, GER
06/2013 Group exhibition, Versöhnungszentrum Marl, GER
Deutschlandstipendium (2015)
Cusanuswerk (2016)
Fellowship by the Ministry of Education and Culture (2020)
Wie viele Schlafanzüge braucht das „Home Office“? (2020)
Neustart Kultur Kickstarter (2022)
BangaloREsidency (2022)
9 Tage Schöpfung (2020)
Sonic Explorers Tehran (2019)
Artist in residency BAF (2013)
Advancement award by Dr. Dieter & Ulrike Scheid (2017)